Wednesday, February 10, 2010

An AWESOME God, An Awesome Experience

Dianna Bonfield, Director of Volunteers & Disaster Response for LCC, reflects on how God works through volunteers and donors

It was an awesome experience to see God at work these past few weeks, working in and through His people to provide His church in Haiti with the resources to touch people's lives with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, amidst the darkness of a nation where the majority of people practice voodoo. Recently, on one of the Christian radio stations, I heard a report from some missionaries in Haiti saying that before the earthquake of January 13, at sunset every evening, you would begin to hear the sounds of the voodoo drums that would play throughout the night. Since the earthquake, what you hear now are Christians in the parks and the streets where they now live, getting together to sing praises to God and praying.

On Thursday, January 14, the day after the earthquake, LCC posted an appeal for cash donations for Haiti. Those donations continue to come in. The next day (January 15) LCC published the LCMS World Relief and Human Care list of items that were needed immediately. The response of God's people was amazing.
LCC Diaster Response

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